German Wheel / Rhoenrad
It is originally from Germany, where over 120,000 German wheels can be found in gyms around the country. Yet it is also used all around the world for both competitions and circus presentations. This is a new apparatus that has proven its mark, making us the only other high quality, reliable German wheel manufacturer outside of the one manufacturer in Germany. Our wheels are always round and roll straight. They are made of 2 rings linked together. There are also "line handles" and "spiral handles" on the wheel, and also footboards and foot straps.
- Our German wheels are custom made to order according to the user's height.
- Forget the gray or white looking German wheel, with a matte finish. Our German wheels can be shiny aluminum (standard finish), or ANY Color you want! See color scheme! Only CircusConcepts wheels are like this!
Top Quality
- Our German wheels are made with the same precision and quality as our worldwide reputation for the best wheels states. We have a very complicated job to ensure all of our wheels are straight, identical, and most importantly... they ALL roll straight!
Easy to transport
- For a quick and partial disassembly: dismantle into 2 to 6 pieces for fast displacement
- For complete disassembly: dismantle it into 16 pieces to fit it easily in Two (2) cases for plane transportation
- Easy and quick to assemble
- Total weight varies depending on model. Contact us for more information.
ULTRA LIGHT WHEELS are also offered. We can manufacture an aluminum model which is ultra light to carry.
Surface Grip
- Our wheels are made with a transparent covering. It is hard enough so you don't feel the difference while rolling, but has a better grip on the ground when doing spiral tricks, or transitions from Spiral to Coin spins.
Durable and Tough
- Carbon steel with protective clear coat makes for a tough wheel that won't bend
- Standard finish wheels are fully Zinc plated for a nice look and to prevent any corrosion. Coloured wheels have a primer that prevents rust.
- Our joints are stronger than other competitors for extra durability.
Includes also:
- Metric Allen Key for assembly
- Instruction manual
- Extra Bolts
- Add Foot Straps: A pair of Foot straps is necessary for many German wheel classic tricks. If you do not own any we recommend you purchase those too. See more details on the product.
Technical specifications:
- Grip Size: 1.5" (3.8 cm) including covering for all wheels.
Wheel diameter
- German wheels / Rhoenrad size is always measured from the outside diameter, steel to steel (not including the covering).
- Standard wheel size is every 5cm from 160cm to 240cm outside diameter. We can manufacture any size on request. To determine the size of wheel you need, take your height measurement and add 35 cm.
- Stock: Made to order
- Model: RG10
- SKU: CC-RG10