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A word from the President

     Hello fellow artists, friends and members of our great family: the Circus World!
We are all of different countries, ethnicities, ages, genders and beliefs, but we all share something in common: The circus is our passion!

When you buy an apparatus from us, you contribute to a growing community. Why?  
    CircusConcepts is more than just a company.  CircusConcepts is a vision by Hugo Noel, part of a bigger picture.

Before I go further, in light of the latest world development (as of May 2020), the change in the industry and the COVID issue, we realize now how important a company like ours is. There are a few other companies producing circus props which appeared on the market lately. This has made business for us a bit more difficult, but we still believe our mission stands out even more, as we produce quality and reliability.
In the COVID times, we have suddenly noticed a lot of these companies could not offer their products anymore, Out of Stock indefinitely.. for products that are supposedly made in America. This goes to show that these statements where often untrue. One thing that always showed it too was the price of those items. As a manufacturer, we can easily see what is not made here. When props are sold for the price you pay only for the material here, without workmanship, it is obvious to us.  Metals made in Asia are well known to have much lower quality and often critical defects in them. We would not recommend them to anybody. The sailing and parachuting industry had very large recalls and constant problems with lower quality steel for their products in the last years, and this also affected the circus industry with the Chinese-made fake Crosby Shackles. 

With this new market, we are no longer always the cheapest option, even though we produce in series, but the difference in price is what you pay for your safety and well being. In addition, we have instigated our Best Price Guarantee for any of our items. We want you to always have the best price for the safest props.

 With every prop you buy, you contribute in helping us help others. How
    Circus Concepts / Hugo Noel has a mission. Circus Concepts is Hugo Noel's vision on how to make better, safer, long lasting circus apparatuses for artists by improving every production based on your feedback. We LOVE to hear from you, the good and the bad, so we can improve!


 How you contribute: 

    If you are reading this you are making the first step.
    If you've even bought something from us, or discussed with one of us about the challenges of your disciplines, you've already contributed. 

    We used to have a community website ( but unfortunately, due to Spamming problems we have resigned this project.

How we can do it better : 

    Does better and cheaper seem like a utopia to you? Well it is, but the idea behind all of this is that if we centralize the building of apparatuses, we can improve them. Why? 
    Unlike a small local builder we make many of the same apparatuses at a time. Every time we make one more, we learn from the last one. For every year we are in business, we learn from our customers' experience with our equipment. This way we stop the current cycle of people copying what they have seen, thus copying mistakes or creating new ones, a situation that is too frequent and that keeps progress at bay.  Also the more apparatuses we build, the cheaper it becomes. If it does not become cheaper, it's because it becomes better.  We are not a chain like Wal-Mart, we don't go for the lowest price. We are Circus Concepts, and we go for long-lasting quality, being what we believe is the base of sustainable development and of responsible resource management. 


Our Mission: 

    To create accessible and great quality products while making circus a social enhancement.  Unlike other forms of arts, circus does not require any specific skills.  Over the years, circus has evolved from being a place to witness the unusual, to a society.  Why?
     Because every one of us is unique and in the circus, any talent is accepted. There are no limits, no rules, and no boundaries. That's why I love Circus, because that's how I fell into circus. 

    I'm from a small village with very little resources, at first I found it pretty difficult to find information about Circus equipment. I wish a company like mine had existed back then: a company who can ship anything you need from the circus even to remote areas.


Being the person that I am, I created CircusConcepts to meet the needs of the Artists and the Circus World.


''My passion is the Circus, and I believe in my passion. My dream is to give a chance to everyone to live their passion as well as make it easier for everyone to do so. '' 


If you have a special need, an idea or want to share an experience and help better our world: 
Contact us ! 

Best regards, 

Hugo Noel
Creator & President of CircusConcepts